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Sometimes Madden NFL 24 players tackle one another

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Sometimes Madden NFL 24 players tackle one another

Mesajde Creswellda » Lun Sep 04, 2023 6:38 am

To be honest, his reasoning makes sense. We see players wearing number 11 -- which in his words are the foundations! Another one wears 32 which, as he explains, stands for backwards 23 that, of course, stands for 33. And the score is 7-0 with the remaining 59 minutes, and 7+5+9 = 21. and the 10 seconds on the play timer (five seconds prior to the time the ball was taken away) also adds 10. which is 31. And everyone knows that's backwards 13. With all those numbers it's impossible not to be convinced.

But, most importantly, the Raiders defense is extremely poor. As transcribed lovingly by our own resident Chiefs blog Arrowhead Pride:

"He'll take a shot at this tackle ... just to make it look good. Let's try it. Here's an attempt at the tackle of a lineman in Madden NFL 24. The way he tackled him is not typical. He could have probably grabbed his shirt and lifted him off. All is now sealed. Why? Because everyone was involved in it."

Sometimes Madden NFL 24 players tackle one another. The Raiders frequently play this way! In fact, they were no. eleven in Madden NFL 24 in total defense this year. (No. 11 -- the pillars?)

However, on this play however, this Raiders defense are so weak there are only two possible explanations one of which is the football explanation at above, OR, the Raiders have been using their bad defensive football as a demonstration of their total obedience to the dark cabal referred to as the Illuminati. The Illuminati governs every single aspect of our lives.

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Mesaje: 1
Membru din: Lun Sep 04, 2023 5:51 am
Puncte de reputaţie: 0


Re: Sometimes Madden NFL 24 players tackle one another

Mesajde admin » Mar Mai 14, 2024 11:31 am

Not interesting.
Pls, die!
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